
Tuning Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Want your Sundae website to shine in search results? Dive into the SEO settings to tweak how your site appears online.

Remember, SEO is a game of patience and consistency. Update, monitor, and adjust as needed. With Sundae, you’re set to make a mark in the search world!

Accessing SEO Settings

In the Sundae dashboard, click on “SEO” in the sidebar.

Adjusting Your Site’s SEO Details

  • Site Title: This is often the first thing people see in search results.

  • Recommendation: Keep it between 50-60 characters for best display.

  • Description: A brief summary of your site’s content.

  • Recommendation: Aim for 50-160 characters. It should be concise yet informative.

  • Keywords: Words or phrases that best describe your site’s content.

  • Recommendation: Choose 5-10 relevant keywords. Avoid keyword stuffing.

  • Social Image: The image that appears when your site is shared on social platforms.

  • Recommendation: Use a clear, relevant image. Check how it displays on different platforms.

  • Page-level SEO settings can be set in the pages tab. Make sure you're on the right plan to use them!