
When You Need More Help

At Sundae, we strive to make our documentation comprehensive and user-friendly. However, we understand there may be times when you can't find the information you need. If this happens, don't worry – we're here to assist you further.

In-App Feedback

  • 1.

    Open your Sundae site and navigate to the 'Site' section. At the bottom, you'll find a button labeled 'Send Feedback'.

  • 2.

    Describe Your Issue: Provide a detailed description of what you were looking for or the issue you're facing. The more specific you are, the better we can assist you.

  • 3.

    If you'd like us to get back to you, don't forget to enter your email address.

  • 4.

    Submit Your Feedback: Once you've entered your query, hit the 'Send' button. Our support team will review your feedback and get back to you as promptly as possible.

  • Email Support

    If you prefer, you can directly email us at